IS 15220:2002 mm \\ \ Iqxl W@wml \ tti +Ki'm 12i@k --fwm \\ \ `f 1301 n ?IH "f Wwm Indian Standard HALOGENATED HYDROCARBONS--HALON1211 AND HALON 1301 -- FIRE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA -- SPECIFICATION ICS 13.220.10 0 BIS 2002 BUREAU MANAK OF BHAVAN, INDIAN STANDARDS ZAFAR MARG 9 BAHADUR SHAH NEW DELHI 110002 Price Group 2 Fire Fighting Sectional Committee, CED 22 FOREWORD This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized Fighting Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council. Halons are sweet smell electrically can protect paper wood by the Fire halogenated hydrocarbons used as a fire extinguishing media, HaIon 1211 is colorless, faintly it-g and Halon 1301 is odourless, electrically non-conductive gas. This media is effective where an non-conductive medium is essential or desirable. Some of the important type of hazards this media include gaseous and liquid flammable material, electrical hazards and combustible material such as and textiles. HaIons (Halogenated hydrocarbons) which exhibit exceptional fire fighting and explosion prevention/suppression characteristics have been found to possess high ozone depleting potential. They come under Group 11of Appendix A of the Montreal Protocol, the international environment treaty for phasing out ozone depleting substances, which came into force on 1 January 1989. For developing countries like India, the total phase out of halons is to be achieved by 1 January2010 as per the Montreal Protocol. India has ratified Montreal Protocol Treaty in 1992 and obligated to phase out use of ozone depleting substances including halons. Government of India has notified phase out of halons in the fire protection sector with effect from 1 January 2001 except for essential use. Meanwhile, the practical implication of the phasing out of the halons will cover, by and large, the following aspects: a) b) c) d) Production Availability Discharge of halons in India to be stopped w.e.f. 1 January 2001. of halons will be restricted. of halons for testing/training, etc, shall not be permitted, A 11efforts shall be made for avoiding/minimizing halons emissions at various levels such as production, fire equipment manufacture, user, service and maintenance. e)" IHalons shall be restricted for `essential uses' only, for protection of critical fire explosion risk areas which would otherwise result in serious impairment of an essential service to society, or pose an unacceptable threat to life, the environment, or national security and all other appropriate fire protection measures have been taken. t) g) Instead of halon, use of suitable alternative Non-standard halon extinguishers, extinguishing media/methods shall be resorted to. like aerosol type, shall not be permitted. Detailed instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time for implementation of the country program me for the phasing out of ozone depleting substances (ODS) shall have to be complied with. The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given at Annex A. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with [S 2: 1960 `Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised'. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. IS 15220:2002 Indian Standard HALOGENATED HYDROCARBONS--HALON1211 AND HALON 1301 -- FIRE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA -- SPECIFICATION 1 SCOPE This standard specifies requirements for the following halogenated hydrocarbons for use as tire extinguishing media: a) b) Halon 1211 [bromochlorodifluoromethane (CF,CIBr)]; and Halon 1301 (CF3Br)]. [bromotrifluoromethane SI No. Property `Halon i) Purity, percent (mol/mol), ii) Acidhy, ppm by mass, Mu iv) Non-volatile (m/or), Max v) Halogen ion vi) Suspended matter or sediment Passestest Non-visible Passes test Non-visible 4 REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Halons 1211 and 1301 shall comply with the requirements of Table 1, when tested by the appropriate method of test specified in 5. Table 1 Requirements (Clause 4.1 ) Requirements A 2 REFERENCES The Indian Standards listed below contain provisions which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below: [S No, 3196 (Part 2): 1992 Title Welded low carbon steel cylinder exceeding 5 litre water capacity for low pr-ssure liquefiable gases: Part 2 Cylinders for liquefiable gases other than LPG -- Specification (foukth revision) Specification for chloroflttoro hydrocarbons of the methane and ethane series (second revision) Specification for seamless steel cylinders for permanent and high pressure liquefiable gases (second revision) 121 I 99.0 3.0 20 0.01 HaIon 130~ 99,6 Mirr 3.0 10 0,01 iii) Water content, ppm by mass, MUX residue, percent 4.2 Physical properties of HaIon 1211 and Halon 130 I are given in Table 2. Table 2 Physical Properties HaIons 1211 and 1301 (Clause 4.2) SI No. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) of Property Relative molecular mass Boiling point at 1.013 bar); `C Freezing point, "C Critical tem~erature, "C Critical pre&rre, bar Critical volume, ml/kg Critical density, kg/ m' Vapour pressure a) At 20 "C, bar Ha Ion 1211 165,38 ­ 4,0 -160.5 153.8 42.06 0.00141 713 2.53 7.20 1830 17,4 Halon 1301 148.93 ­ 57,8 ­ 168.0 67.0 39.6 5610: 1993 0,00134 745 14.63 34.58 1575 I 15.6 0.159 7285:1988 3 DEFINITION For the purpose of this standard, definition shall apply. 3. I HaIon -- A halogenated fire extinguishing medium. N(Y[E --The b) At 60 `C, bar ix) Liquid density at 20 "C, kg/m3 x) Saturated vapour density at 20 "C, kglm' xi) Specific volume of superheated vapour at 1,013 bar and 20 "C, m3/kg `) I bar= 10IPa o.145 the following hydrocarbon used as a 4.3 Electrical Conductivity HaIons 1211 and 1301 have a very low electrical conductivity. in many cases they can be used to extinguish fires involving live electrical equipment, but this, to a significant extent, may depend on the circumstances, particularly the method of discharge. In case of doubt, reference should be made to the 1 word `haIon' is followed by a number, usually of tour digits, giving, in turn, the number of carbon, fluorine, chlorine and bromine atoms, Terminal zeros are omitted. Thus HaIon 1211 is bmmochlorodiflu oromethane bromotritl uorometbane (CF,Br), (CFzCIBr) and HaIon 1301 is IS 15220:2002 instructions be used. on the fire extinguishing equipment to 5.8 High Boiling Impurities Determine the high boiling impurities specified in 1S 5610. 6 PACKING 6.1 HaIon 1211 shall be packed in gas cylinder conforming to 1S 3196 (Part 2). Material shall be filled to 75 percent (v/v) of filling ratio. However, due to high pressure liquefiable gas, HaIon 1301 shall be filled in cylinder conforming to IS 7285. 7 MARKING 7.1 Each container shall be legibly and indelibly marked on the outside with the following information: a) b) c) d) 5.5 Non-volatile Residue residue by the method e) f) Determine the non-volatile specified in IS 5610. 5.6 Halogen ions Manufacturer's name and trade-mark, if any; in by the method 5 METHODS 5.1 General OF TEST For all tests, the sample shall be taken from the liquid phase. 5.2 Purity Determine the purity by gas-liquid IS 5610. 5.3 Acidity Determine IS 5610. the acidity by the method specified in in accordance with 5.4 Water Content Determine Month and year of manufacture; Words `Halon 1211' or `Halon prominent letters; Source, year of manufacture and its test pressure; Filled mass of the cylinder. 1301' the water content by the method specified in IS 5610. of the cylinder Empty mass of the cylinder; and Mix 5 g of the sample with 5 ml of absolute methanol containing several drops of a saturated methanolic si Iver nitrate (AgNO~) solution. The resulting solution shall exhibit no turbidity or precipitation of silver halide. 5.7 Suspended Matter or Sediment 7.1.1 HaIon 1211 and HaIon 1301, conforming to this standard may also be marked with BIS Standard Mark. The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The details of conditions under which the Iicence for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers maybe obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards. Examine the liquid phase of the sample visually. 2 IS 15220:2002 ANNEX A (Foreword) COMMITTEE Fire Fighting Organizafkm Ministry d' t Iome Affairs, New Delhi Airport AUlhOrity ofhrdia, New Delhi COMPOSITION CED 22 Representative(s) Sectional Committee, (Chairman) SHRJOM PR.AKASH SHRJL. C. GUnA SHRIH. S. RAWAT (Alternate) Andhra Pradesh Fire Services, Hyderabad 13habba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai Bombay Fire Brigade, Mumbai SHRISwmmorr SEN CHIEFFIREOFFICER CHIEFFIREOFFICER SHRIG. S. SAWANT(Alternate) Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee DRT, P. SHARMA DR A. K. GU~A (Alternate) Central Industrial Security Force, New Delhi DEPUTY[NSPECTOR GENERAL (FIRE) SHRIS. L. NAGARKAR (Alternate) Central Public Works Department, New Delhi Centru for Environment and Explosive Safety, Delhi CHIEFENGLNEER (E) 1 Sfira A, K. KAPOOR SrrruH. S. KAPARWAN (Alternate) ('oncord Arai Pvt Limited, Chennai ('onkollerate of'Quality Assurance (Fire), Pune SHJU R. RAMAKRISHNAN CoL G. P, KRISHNAMUit~ DIRECTOR (FIRE SAFEN) DEPUTYDIRECTOR (FIRE SAFETY)(41 fernate) Dctiioce Research and Development Organization, Delhi Delhi Fire Swvice, New Delhi SmrJR. C. SEIARMA SHRISURmDER KUMAR (Alternate) I)ircctomtc Gcoeral otSupplies and Disposals, Hyderabad SHRIM. GANGARAKI Smu V. K. VERMA (Ahernale) Ellgitlecr-ill-Cll ie~s Branch, Army Headquarter, New Delhi SHRJR. A. DUBEY SHRJAJAYSHANICAR (Alternate) Fire and Satiety Appliances Company, Kolkata Home (Poliw Department), Hyderabad Home Department (Fire Service), Chennai SHRJS. N, KUNDU DEPUTYDW.ECTOR (FIRE SAFETY) DLRECTOR DEPUTYDIRECTOR (Aherrrate) In personal capacity (33/2965-A, VerrrralaHigh School, Vennala, Cochin) SHRIG. B. MENON SHRIS. K. DHERI PRESJDENT GENERAL SECRETARY (Alternate) In personal capacity (29/25, Rajendra Nagar, New Delhi) lnstitotion ot'Fire Engineers (India), New Delhi Kouvcrji Devshi & Co (P) Limited, Mumbai SHRJ P. H, SETHNA SHRIN. T. PANJWANI (A//ernate) K.V, Fire Chemicals, Navi Mumbai Loss Prcvci]{i,m Association ot'hrdia, Murnbai SHIUH. M. SABAI?RA MANAGINGDIRECTOR SHJUD. K. SARiiAR(Alternate) Mathcr and Platt (India) Ltmited, New Delhi MEC[)N I.imitcd, Ranchi DEEPAK AG~RWAL SHSU SHJU R. N. CHACHRA SHRI SUNIL DAS (A//ernufe) Minislv o1'1lome Affairs, New Delhi MUD. K. SHAMI SHRJB. J, SMAH SIiRI A. M. SIIAIi (A/terns/e) Ne\\ age Industries, Mombai Northern [